Knowing I'm safe on campus is important to me and my friends.
![Santa Barbara City College's west campus center building.](/_resources/img/reportaconcernheader.png)
Report a Concern
Complaints and Concerns
Santa Barbara City College strives to be a safe and positive learning and working environment for all students, staff, faculty and community members. However, in the event that you feel unsafe or have a concern to address, please complete the Report a Concern Form.
SBCC uses this form for all* complaints and concerns, including: Discrimination/Hate Crimes, Disruptive Behavior, Academic Grievances, Personal Wellness, Title IX (Dating/Domestic Violence, Sexual Harassment/Assault, Stalking), Threatening/Violent Behavior (Written/Verbal) and other concerns or complaints.
*Faculty use the Academic Integrity Violation Form for academic integrity violations and Starfish flags (alerts) and kudos to better assist students who may be facing academic difficulty.