![header image](/admissions/files/Commencement2023.jpg)
Degree & Certificate Applications
SBCC Degree and Certificate Application
You may apply for an Associate Degree or Certificate of Achievement once all requirements have been fulfilled or if all requirements will be fulfilled
by the end of the current term (fall/spring/summer).
Option 1: If all your coursework has been completed at SBCC, you can fill out the certificate and/or degree application. If you need assistance completing your application, staff is available at the Academic
Counseling Center's front desk in the Student Services Building Monday-Thursday during open hours.
How to submit the application if all your coursework has been completed at SBCC. If you attended other colleges, see Option 2 below:
- (Preferred) Email the application as a PDF attachment to the SBCC Degree Analyst at diplomas@sbcc.edu.
- In person to: Admissions & Records in the Student Services Building
- Mail to:
Admissions & Records
721 Cliff Dr
Santa Barbara, CA 93109 - Fax to (805) 962-0497
Option 2: If you have AP/IB scores, outside transcripts, or you need assistance in filling out the application, then make an appointment via Starfish with a counselor who works with your major. If you have attended other colleges, official transcripts from all colleges previously attended need to be on file with SBCC Admissions & Records. Your academic counselor will assist you in evaluating your coursework and with filing the degree and/or certificate application(s). You must apply in order for the degree to be awarded and listed on your transcript; it is not awarded automatically.
If you already applied, do not fill out the application again. To confirm the status
of your degree, check your unofficial transcript in the campus portal. If you already
earned a degree, it will state “Awarded." It will state “Pending” if your application
has been received and is still in progress.
In order to have your name appear in the digital Commencement program, you need to apply by the deadline. The 2025 Commencement program will include
graduates and candidates from Summer 2024 - Spring 2025. The last day to submit your
application for inclusion in the program is Wednesday, April 30, 2025. The 2025 Commencement will be held on Friday, May 23.
Students applying after the deadline and those completing their final requirements
in Summer 2025 are welcome to participate in Commencement and have their names and
degrees announced on the stage. However, their information will not appear in the
Commencement program.
Please note: The deadline is only to appear in the Commencement program. There is no deadline to apply for a degree or certificate or to participate in the ceremony.
Click here for commencement information. Please contact the Office of Student Life with questions about the event. You do not need to register to participate.
Final processing of degree and certificate applications does not begin until grades
have been certified by Admissions & Records, approximately one week after the end
of a term. Depending on the volume of applications and holiday closures, processing
may take three to four weeks after grade certification. You can view the status of
your application on your unofficial transcript in the campus portal. As thousands of applications are received every year, students
will not receive individual emails about their application status. After processing,
the status will change from "pending" to "awarded" or "denied." Only awarded degrees
and certificates will appear on official transcripts.
Click here for diploma information. Diplomas are not distributed at Commencement.
SBCC students may graduate under the General Education and Department requirements in effect at the time of first enrollment, as long as continuous enrollment is maintained; or under the requirements in effect from the time continuous enrollment is established and maintained; or under the requirements in effect at the time of graduation.
Continuous enrollment is defined as enrollment in both Fall and Spring semesters through the first census each academic year. For purposes of determining catalog rights, the catalog year begins with the Fall and goes through the following Summer session.
A student who requests an exception to this policy may submit a Petition to Reinstate Catalog Rights for consideration. Exceptions may include an interruption or loss of catalog rights due to extenuating circumstances and/or hardship. Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illnesses, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student.
Complete the SCA application. Do not use this form for Associate Degrees or Certificates of Achievement.
Note: Skills Competency Awards do not appear on SBCC transcripts and are not included
in Commencement.
Contact the individual department. Admissions & Records does not process or provide these awards and they do not appear on SBCC transcripts.